Drew Ratter - Chair and Communications Director
Drew is a semi-retired crofter and businessman, who has had a lengthy career in public service. He served at senior levels as a local authority member and held several non-executive positions on a range of public sector organisations, as well as doing freelance journalism in both print and broadcast.
He and his wife, Vivienne, croft at Voe, Ollaberry, where they raise pure Shetland sheep. He also engages in consultancy in areas of agricultural policy and has recently started working as a tour guide.
Margaret Roberts - Operations Director
Margaret is a lifelong Shetland resident and has been a director and Chair of nortenergy's parent company, Northmavine Community Development Company (NCDC) since 2004.
From an agricultural background, she is interested in horticulture and is a keen gardener with an RHS horticultural qualification. Margaret worked for 30+ years in the oil industry, predominantly in supply chain and contract management. Now retired, she is enjoying the role of Operations Director with the Polycrub business.
Margaret is a dedicated Polycrubber and evangelist for Growing your Own undercover, particularly with the challenges of climate change facing growers worldwide.
Maree Hay - Managing Director
Maree was the local development officer for our parent company, Northmavine Community Development Company (NCDC) for over a decade. In that time, she worked with the folk of Northmavine on numerous projects. Increased business meant that the Polycrub company needed full-time staff, so in 2018, Maree joined Polycrub.
Maree loves the outdoors and is happier digging than dusting! She helps run the family croft in Sullom with her husband Neil and has her own flock of coloured Shetland sheep. She is a director of the Shetland Abattoir Co-operative Ltd. The family are keen Polycrubbers and grow food for their table.
Carly Sutherland - Admin Officer
Carly grew up in Voe, Shetland. She left school at 16 to do an SVQ in administration at the local newspaper. She has worked in administrative roles since then, including the travel office at Sullom Voe Terminal, before joining NCDC, and latterly, Polycrub.
She loves to spend time with her son and her friends & family. She also enjoys going walking, and since getting a dalmatian, she gets to do this a lot more often. If you ever see her out & about, you can guarantee she’ll be hitting the karaoke, as she loves to sing!
Jakki Grant - Logistics Co-ordinator
Jakki grew up in Mossbank, Shetland, and came to work with us after leaving a technical admin assistant role at Sullom Voe Terminal. She also works part-time in her local pub, and volunteers on the Mossbank Hall committee. The close ties that Polycrub has with NCDC was one of the reasons she applied for her post, as she likes to work with local communities in Shetland.
In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her family & friends and try out new recipes in the kitchen. In the future, she would like her own Polycrub to grow fresh produce, along with herbs & spices.